
Saturday, September 30, 2006

"Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is"

Check out the first single on the site below from Jet's forthcoming album "Shine On" due out October 3rd. It's got just the right amount of cowbell...

The US tour is nearing the end and the Chicago date has long passed, but the European tour carries into the fall starting in Elysee Montmarte, Paris, on Oct. 14th. Any takers?

Friday, September 29, 2006

Gentlemen, say hello to our future.

If this guy is mentally handicapped, I feel really bad. But I don't think he is. So laugh away.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

miniature music revue

Thought I would throw this out there. I know Rankin loves it, the new John Mayer cd is truly a showcase in his talent...its what I would expect a Harvard Music guy to produce...he's matured to a point to not only create unique music but has the ability to read social trends enough to overcome his previous 'pop requirements'. Very talented (see "John Mayer/Brad Paisley Crossroads"), quite a treat. Also the new Scissor Sisters album is a similar venture. They've locked an audience and are able to produce their own music, which is a very interesting eclectic sound reminiscent of nostalgic almost can-can style ballroom rock. Wasn't my favorite, worth a listen. Holla.

"There's throw-up in places that would be hard to paint"

Thats the scene I was faced with after the 3rd annual Fall Fun Fest ended. Apparently there was a violent redecorating effort in our bathroom (decorator to be unnamed, Wandler's girlfriend). Too much Fall? Too much Fest? Hard to say. Fun though. Fest Bullets:
  • Friday, visitors enter festival grounds...pre-fest drunk, Miles shows toilet whats up.
  • Coulters festival whiskey, fully cloved, drained
  • Bob Hartman displays barskills with a, must have been, 25 jager bomb round, in 'Go Big Red' bomb glasses. Impressive. Passed out.
  • Saturday morning, turkey is smoking out side, thats a good thing, our neighborhood is now jealous, and soon to be irritated all in same day.
  • Must say, festival legwork not done at this point, mad scrambling, feverish efforts.
  • Saw Colorado winning against Georgia, wanted to call off fun fest.
  • 11am Fun Run participants milling about, slow start to FFF.
  • Natives become restless.
  • Walz. Bob. and I go to Home Depot for game supplies. Its a block from my house, go there often. Takes me 30 min. to find box of wood screws usually, Walz finds what we need instantly with somesort of 'bluecollar honing device'. Impressed. Walz eats cheesy brat from Depot dog stand. Double Impressed. 100 or so at liquor store, lasted half the day.
  • Purchase pumpins at grocer, Walz again points out mother of 3, in mini-van, whom he would gladly 'eat the guts' out of.
  • Fun Run gathers, drives to great local park for torch run lap. I stay, t-shirt shop isn't setup yet. Find vodka. See redbull. 4:1 mix sounded good at the time. Bullets from here on out may or may not be accurate.
  • Runners return (any run details, please feel free to add here). Colorado loses, 4:1 mix again for celebration.
  • Fun chili is being eaten, roast is aging nicely in stove, turkey transferred to oven. Snacks galore. Participants begin feeling effects of alcohol.
  • Mass division into 2 teams (great idea I felt) Team Cougar, Team Bobcat. Not the animals, but the machines.
  • Ricky shows up, hair looks like owl, hilarious.
  • Polish horseshoes. Success. Team Cougar takes early lead.
  • Brief intermission for shirt making, fairly successful Fest shirts arrive.
  • Egg toss (making shirts, don't know any details, had to be funny)
  • Washers. Forget which team won, blacked out really.
  • Participation event, power-half hour, sweet idea. Really separated the willing from the winners.
  • Casually abusive drinking for an hour or so, in preparation for 'pumpkin melon crawl'. New event, frickin funny.
  • Team members are spun around in a few circles (like anyone isn't dizzy by now), a carved out pumpkin is placed on head, no eye-holes. Participants then crawled on all 4's a given distance and back, relay style, to next team member. We are working on uploading a short video clip of this mayhem. It was outstanding. Participants running into walls, bushes, each other, falling, diving, crashing, yelling.
  • Paintball event. Everyone too sauced, paintgun in wrong hands. No scoring, plenty of vandalism, ricky.
  • Cock-eyed scoring system lends victory to Coulter, who did earn it.
  • New bottle of expensive tequilla. New keg. New bruises from 'crawl'.
  • Further details lost, Jen Snodgrass showed up, pretty much said it all.
  • Fun
  • Fun
  • Fun!
  • Working on corporate sponsorship for next year. "The Nasdaq Fall Fun Fest '07"

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The site I got this from said this was an actual advertising mistake. Mistake or intended...hilarious.

Monday, September 25, 2006

"At this point, money doesn't matter. It is just a means of keeping score. No one should have this much money."

I recently read an MSN Money article talking about the 400 richest people, all of them billionaires, and thought it would be of interest for a multitude of reasons. I've included an abridged version of the part dealing with the 10 wealthiest. One of the most interesting facts is that 5 of them were college dropouts. This flies in the face of those of you in Exit 177 blog-land who are going back to school this fall. The guy at number two did graduate from the Business College at UNL and did later get his MBA, so you're on the right path that way. All three of the Waltons on the list simply inherited their money from visionary Sam.

For the full text article which includes a 'graph or two about how these folks made their money and what they spend it on now check out the link below:

No. 1: William Henry Gates III
Net worth ($bil): 53.0 (up)
Source: Microsoft, software
Age: 50; Marital status: Married, three children
Residence: Medina, Wash.
Education: Harvard University, dropout

No. 2: Warren Edward Buffett
Net worth ($bil): 46.0 (up)
Source: Berkshire Hathaway, Investments
Age: 76; Marital status: Widowed, remarried, three children
Residence: Omaha, Neb.
Education: University of Nebraska Lincoln, Bachelor of Arts/Science; Columbia University, Master of Science

No. 3: Sheldon Adelson
Net worth ($bil): 20.5 (up)
Source: Casinos, hotels
Age: 73; Marital status: Married, five children, one divorce
Residence: Las Vegas
Education: City College of New York, dropout

No. 4: Lawrence Joseph Ellison
Net worth ($bil): 19.5 (up)
Source: Oracle Corporation, Software
Age: 62; Marital status: Married, two children, three divorces
Residence: Redwood City, Calif.
Education: University of Illinois, dropout

No. 5: Paul Gardner Allen
Net worth ($bil): 16.0 (down)
Source: Microsoft, software
Age: 53; Marital status: Single
Residence: Seattle
Education: Washington State University, dropout

No. 6: Jim C. Walton
Net worth ($bil): 15.7 (unchanged)
Source: Wal-Mart Stores, retailing
Age: 58; Marital status: Married, four children
Residence: Bentonville, Ark.

No. 7 (tie): Christy Walton & family
Net worth ($bil): 15.6 (down)
Source: Wal-Mart Stores, retailing
Age: Circa 50; Marital status: Widowed, 1 child
Residence: Jackson, Wyo.

No. 7 (tie): S. Robson Walton
Net worth ($bil): 15.6 (unchanged)
Source: Wal-Mart Stores, retailing
Age: 62; Marital status: Married, three children, one divorce
Residence: Bentonville, Ark.
Education: University of Arkansas, Bachelor of Arts/Science; Columbia University, Doctor of Jurisprudence

No. 9 (tie): Michael Dell
Net worth ($bil): 15.5 (down)
Source: Dell, Technology
Age: 41; Marital status: Married, four children
Residence: Austin, Texas
Education: University of Texas Austin, dropout

No. 9 (tie): Alice L. Walton
Net worth ($bil): 15.5 (unchanged)
Source: Wal-Mart Stores, retailing
Age: 57; Marital status: Twice divorced
Residence: Fort Worth, Texas
Education: Trinity University of San Antonio, Bachelor of Arts/Science
Child of Sam Walton (d. 1992).

Monday, September 18, 2006

Help celebrate theEquinox in Detox! (I was really hoping that would sound cooler)

115 hours from now the 3rd annual Fall Fun Fest tickles our groins and warms our hearts with food, games, prizes, hangovers, and free H.J.'s (thanks Craig for sponsoring that). Attendance, as always, is mandatory. Missing FFF is the social equivalent to missing your period. That said, events...
Traditional favorites- Fun Run, paper airplane throw, keg toss, paintball precision round, washers, ('500' has been voted off due to pending violence/legality)
Events exclusive to 2006- egg toss (per Rankin), pumkinmelon crawl (Tracy Byrd inspired), polish horseshoes, slap-nuts(walz, can you bring a set? If not, we'll have to substitute for bocce)
a more controversial event proposed by Rankin and backed by me, earning perhaps participation points, a mid-morning power-hour. This event is up for discussion, maybe it becomes the more weiner 'power half-hour', Jared and my vote are with the full Monty.
No ties. Apparently, and this isn't in stone, tie breakers might include a 50-yard dash, but I am proposing a beer-drinking equivalent. e.g. If a small nimble contestant is tied up with a less-athletic, more laughable contestant, the smaller contestant may be allotted a given distance to run whilst the large contestant drinks a given volume of booze, concurrently.
I will be screen-printing clothing items for the event with FFF logos ablazed ( unclear on actual content) if anyone is interested let me know what sort of article they would like, size, color, etc. Charge will be cost of materials only. Discuss.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I like this guy

"When we beat USC, this is going to slingshot our whole season," said the junior college transfer from Naples, Fla. "We're ready to go in there and show the world that Nebraska's back on top - that the order is restored."

Jones attributes his confidence to the fact that neither he nor his teammates are intimidated by the Trojans' mystique. He also is reported to have recently purchased special flame proof shorts so his ass doesn't get burned by David Booty and the Trojan recieving corps.

Though NU hasn't beaten a ranked team on the road in nearly six years, the 6-foot, 195-pounder from Fresno City (Calif.) Community College said he signed with Nebraska over USC last spring for a reason. He wanted to see the field and he has a thing for jersey chasing farm girls.

Exit 177

Memorial Day 2007

Here is an activitie for next year. I have no idea why we (craig) didn't think of this first.

The ramp could be excessive.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm a proud defensive driver.

Waking up at 7:15 wasn't exactly my ideal way to start a Saturday morning. But if I would've had any idea how awesome STOP class would be, I would've happily got up, played tunnel walk, and primed for it.

When I walked into the classroom, my first though was "no way...Brian Froman teaches this class?" But I was wrong, the teacher was a lady who just looked exactly like him. Red hair, awkward know. It was uncanny. Anyway, I looked around to see if there was anyone I knew...that was a stupid idea, obviously there wasn't. So I just sat in the first seat I saw where I wouldn't have to rub my dong on anyone's back to get to.

Class opens with a question/answer session. This is when it gets great. There were a couple of random biggie, then a lady behind me asked a question. She sounded like a white-trash Wanda Sykes. So I looked, yep, right on. And she was about 79. Even better.

WT Wanda Sykes asks, "My neighbor had an old beat up, dirty car just sitting in his lawn, but because he told the towtruck driver that de didn't have a job, they didn't tow it. Now my husband HAD a job, but they towed HIS car all the way to holy hell. What's up with that?" Cheers lady. I was laughing too hard to hear the answer.

Later the discussion turned toward how COPs can tell when people are under the influence of certain subtances. Thank you God. The funniest part was a question from a lady in the back (female Josh Hupfer). I looked back and she looked like she'd eaten butter with firecrackers in it. Clearly knowing the answer to her own question she asks, "What about meth?" Again, cheers.

So if you're ever in need of some good laughs, or for a great self-esteem booster, try going 60 in a 45 and getting into stop class. It's a hoot.

Friday, September 08, 2006

"I'm sort of the John Tesh of 'Sassy 107'"

I heard this quote from a rather pretentious radio DJ today, on Denver's month old 'Sassy 107.1'. He said it as though he had finished off an entire cheerleading squad and then put his cigarette out on one of them. Fun fact: Denver's 'Sassy' is , from what I can tell, what you would expect if lesbians purchased North Platte's KELN.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Chadron State beats Colorado?

Exit 177

I hope you all saw the article in the Telegraph equating a Chadron State win over Montana State as a win over the Buffs. Yes, the Buffs suck worse than Craig cleaning up his own vomit.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Weekend Milestones by the Numbers

12 - the number of grilled wings I ate at the Watering Hole Friday night 9/1
85,181 - Husker fans including myself at the highest attended game in Husker History at Memorial Stadium on Saturday 9/2. Where were you?
2 - times the giant silverback gorilla punched the glass separating me from him at Henry Doorly Zoo Sunday afternoon 9/3
1 - time I personally saw the Orangutan vomit sweet potato puke onto a trash can lid and eat it
8 - times according to Rach that it actually did this
36 - holes of mini putt played by all 9 of us in Lincoln at 56th & Hwy 2 on Sunday evening
4 - hours of sleep I got Sunday night
3 - number of people still awake from the night before at 4:30 am when Murm and I awoke to play golf Monday 9/4
54 - holes of golf played at Arbor Links on Monday (personal record)
14 - hours spent at the golf course on Monday
9 - hours spent at work on Tuesday 9/5

Random Jargon

Just a couple things that I have on my mind and want to blog:

1. Huskers looked fantastic this weekend. Zack Taylor is the man. Our Defensive front 7 are sick, and I can't imagine how good we'd be if everyone was healthy. Can't wait for the USC game, it's going to be awesome.

1-b. Thanks for everyone who made the trip to L-town for the game/weekend. It was a great time. Highlight #1, the gorrilla at the zoo sticking his rear at craig, then urinating. Then it ate it's own puke. Great time.

2. Let's keep the blog ideas flowing. I've actually read a couple of books on the subject, but don't have time to go into them. Maybe later.

3. Palmer is back from Ireland and coming through Nebraska this weekend. He's on his way to Denver/Ft. Collins where he's going to live. The point is, all of us eastern-Nebraskans should try to get together with him at some point. And by "get together with him" I don't mean orgy.

4. Blog to come: my experience at Stop Class last weekend...what a time!!!!